What to do if the RF coaxial cable components fail due to excessive output power
The over-output power stress of RF coaxial cable components is only detected after component failure or failure. Such things are often encountered in telecommunications network and aerospace engineering/defense applications, because the application and exposure of high power levels are considered to consider the performance requirements of this application. RF and microwave heating power levels are high enough to destroy components in the signal path, which can be the result of poor design, material aging/fatigue, or even strategic electronics attacks. RF and microwave heating passive components carry the burden of many design constraints and performance parameters. Depending on the power requirements of the mobile phone application, the requirements for material and design properties can be obvious. In high power communications and radar detection/sustainment applications, performance levels must be accompanied by very high output power levels. Many materials and technologies cannot meet the power level required by these applications, so the components, materials and technologies used must meet these end-oriented application requirements. High-quality RF and microwave heating power is invisible, interesting to test, and can produce incredible heat in a small area. Critical systems that will encounter high-power RF and microwave heating energy must be carefully designed and constructed from multi-potential-level specific components.
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